Carlton House

The Carlton House was a palace -like building in London. It is mainly known for it later King George IV was during his time as Prince of Wales, and during his reign as a principal residence from 1783.

Carlton House was located on the south side of Pall Mall, his garden bordered on the St. James's Park. The location of the house on which is now home to the Carlton House Terrace, was the main reason that the significant for the period of art Regency architect John Nash here along a boulevard designed, the St James on Regent Street, Portland Place and Park Square led to the Regent's Park.

The house, which the Prince of Wales moved in 1783, was erected in 1714 on behalf of Baron Carleton. It had been rebuilt several times over the next few years, so that an architectural concept was largely absent. The Prince of Wales had the house from 1783 to 1796 by the architect Henry Holland rebuilt. The extensive construction work at the house were a reason for the high indebtedness of the Prince and thus also the reason that the prince - who was secretly married already with the Catholic and twice widowed Maria Fitzherbert, concluded an official marriage with the Princess Caroline of Brunswick. The marriage was linked to a debt assumption by his father and an increase in the appanage of the Parliament.

The Prince Regent George IV decreed here on December 23, 1815, the resolution of the King's German Legion.

1820 was followed by the Prince of Wales by his father on the throne. Although he considered Carlton House still continues to expand, he finally decided for Buckingham House was expanded to Buckingham Palace. Carlton House was demolished in 1825. His huge portico was preserved and now serves as the main portal of the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square. On the grounds of Carlton House two apartment buildings were built by the royal architect John Nash, known as Carlton House Terrace. This extremely lavish, buildings are a prime example of Regency style. The proceeds from the rental of the houses were used for the construction of Buckingham Palace.
