Carolyn Cooper

Carolyn Joy Cooper ( born 1950 in Kingston, Jamaica) is a Jamaican high school teacher and author. She is Professor of Literature and Cultural Studies at the University of the West Indies ( UWI ) in Mona, Jamaica.


Cooper himself studied first at the UWI English literature. After she had finished there with a Bachelor of Arts, she continued her studies at the University of Toronto in Canada, where she received her Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy ( Ph.D.) received his doctorate.

Since her appointment as a lecturer at the UWI Cooper holds courses on Caribbean, African and Afro-American literature and culture and has been working for over 20 years, with research on various facets of reggae and its cultural backgrounds. She is at the UWI also as director of the Institute of Caribbean Studies operates, as well as coordinator of the International Reggae Studies Centre, one of her academic project initiated in 1992. For the first time in 2007 at the UWI Cooper hosted the Global Reggae Conference at which academics, musicians and reggae fans met and discussed regional differences in the production and reception of reggae.

In her books Noises In The Blood (1993) and Sound Clash (2004) they dealt primarily with the construction of gender roles in the dancehall culture they considered in relation to the Jamaican society in general. Together with Eleanor Wint, she published in 2003, the collection of essays Bob Marley: The Man and His Music, which emerged from a 1995, organized in honor of the 50th birthday of Bob Marley Symposium.

Cooper became known to a wider public through its in the 1990s in Jamaica Observer published, weekly column (W) uman Tong (ue ), which was written bilingually in English and Jamaican Language. Also, since Cooper is not limited to the academic environment, she writes a regular column in the Jamaica Gleaner and is host of the broadcast by the Public Broadcasting Corporation of Jamaica TV show Big People Sup'm.

Works (selection)

  • Eleanor Wint, Carolyn J. Cooper, Bob Marley: The Man and His Music, Kingston, 2003.