
The Carrocio was drawn by oxen chariot, which was used by the medieval republics of Italy.

These were a rectangular platform on four wheels, on which the banner of the city and an altar were. Priests held a service before the battle at the altar, and the trumpeters beside it inspired the soldiers. During the Battle of Carrocio was surrounded by the bravest warriors and served both as a rallying point and symbol of the city. The conquest of Carrocio was considered a defeat and humiliation.

For the first time a Carrocio in 1038 used by the Milanese. He played an important role in the wars of the Lombard League against the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa ( Battle of Legnano ). He was then adopted by other cities and first appeared in 1228 on a Florentine battlefield. The Florentine Carrocio usually followed by a smaller car with the Ella Martin, a bell for military signals. If a war was imminent, the Ella Martin was hung and rung to warn citizens and enemies over the door of the church of Santa Maria del Mercato Nuovo in Florence. In peacetime, the Carrocio was kept from an important family that had distinguished itself for its services to the Republic.

In today's political parlance, Italy, the term Carrocio for the Northern League party.
