Cartographic relief depiction

A shading is an area tint, with the in cartography a spatial impression of the relative differences in height of the terrain is generated. The shades are usually caused by illumination with an imaginary light source.


It differs depending on the location of the light source between slope, oblique light and Kombinationsschummerung.

The slope shading (also Auflichtschummerung, shading with vertical illumination ), the light comes vertically from above. Steeply inclined slopes are then darker than flat areas. The impression of brightness is comparable to that of hachures.

When Schräglichtschummerung the imaginary light source is usually in the Northwest. A survey will appear so on the Northwest slopes bright and dark at the southeast slope. Levels are consistent with medium brightness colored ( Ebenenton ). To reinforce the differences are exaggerated. When no shading shadow ( Shadow ) is simulated in the rule. It is expressed only, how much the surface facing the light source. To highlight and terrain structures that extend in a northwest-southeast direction, with the manual shading the position of the light source inside a card can be varied.

The Kombinationsschummerung united slope shading and Schräglichtschummerung. Here the light-facing slopes facing away in slight shadow and light relationships are displayed in vivid shade. Horizontal planes remain white. The Kombinationschummerung is clearer than the slope shading and avoids the cards stressful Ebenenton the Schräglichtschummerung. After Mokronowski provides only the shading with combined lighting a vivid and true picture.


  • Digital shading
  • Handschummerung
  • Photo Mechanical shading