Cascades Region

Cascades is one of 13 regions in the West African nation of Burkina Faso is divided administratively. Capital is Banfora. The region lies in the southwest includes the provinces Comoé and Léraba and is bordered to the north by the region Hauts- basin, to the east by Sud -Ouest and south to Mali and Cote d' Ivoire.

At 18,663 km ² area live 542 956 inhabitants ( 2006 census ), which belong to a variety of ethnicities. Cascades was created in 2001 and is to Centre and Hauts- basins, the most industrialized region of the country. It has numerous natural attractions, the Cascades de Banfora, the Domes de Fabédougou, the Téngrélasee and Pics de Sindou.


Boucle du Mouhoun | Cascades | Centre | Centre- Est | Centre- Nord | Centre- Ouest | Centre- Sud | Est | Hauts- basins | North | Central Plateau | Sahel | Sud -Ouest

  • Region ( Burkina Faso)
  • Cascades ( Burkina Faso)