
Cascia is a municipality with 3228 inhabitants ( 31 December 2012) in the province of Perugia in the Umbria region of Italy.

  • 3.1 s Basilica Santuario di Santa Rita
  • 3.2 Chiesa di San Francesco
  • 3.3 Chiesa di Sant'Antonio Abate / Museo Civico
  • 3.4 Palazzo Carli / Biblioteca Comunale Tranquillo Graziani
  • 3.5 Palazzo Santi / Museo Civico di Palazzo Santi


The municipality covers about 181 km ². Of the 3228 residents now live about 3000 in the historic center. The community is located about 80 km southeast of Perugia and is part of the Comunità montana Valnerina. Cascia itself is in the Valnerina ( Neratal ) associated valley, called Il Casciano and crossed by the river Corno. This arises at Monte Terminillo and flows shortly after Cascia at Triponzo (village of Cerreto di Spoleto ) in the Nera.

The neighboring municipalities are Cerreto di Spoleto, Cittareale (RI ), Leonessa (RI ), Monteleone di Spoleto, Norcia and Poggiodomo.

The place is located in a seismically prone area, larger earthquake took place in the years 1300, 1599, 1703 and 1979. In the district Roccaporena 1962, an earthquake destroyed several buildings.

Districts ( Visualize )

The districts include:

  • Avendita, a hamlet of about 150 residents located about 5 km north-east from the main village at an altitude of 873 m asl. The site was first documented in 1080, at that time under the name Aventedani.
  • Chiavano, the district with about 40 inhabitants located about 8 km southeast from the main village at an altitude of 1128 m asl. The district came in 1280 to the municipality, as the County of Cascia Cascia Chiavano conquered and therefore by Pope Nicholas III. was excommunicated. However, this was reversed a year later upon payment of two thousand florins. The place was almost completely destroyed by the earthquake in 1703.
  • Fogliano, a hamlet of about 120 residents located about 4 km north-east from the main village at an altitude of 827 m asl.
  • Roccaporena, the district with about 70 inhabitants 6 km west located east of the main town at an altitude of 707 m asl.
  • Tazzo, the district with about 15 inhabitants located approximately 3 km from the main village at an altitude of 842 m asl. The place is located on the mountain of Monte Minco and has Etruscan origins.

Other districts are:

  • Atri, Buda, Capanne di Roccaporena, Castel San Giovanni, Castel Santa Maria, Cerasola, Civita, Colforcella, Collegiacone, Colle di Avendita, Colle Santo Stefano, Colmotino, coronella, Logna, Maltignano, Manigi, Ocosce, Onelli, Opagna, Palmaiolo, Poggio Primocaso, Puro, San Giorgio, Santa Anatolia, Trognano, Villa San Silvestro, Santa Trinità, Fustagna, Piandoli, Giappiedi, Capanne di Collegiacone, Sciedi, Serviglio, Valdonica.


The area around the present site was probably occupied by the Italians, as various artifacts that are now in the Museo Civico show. Afterwards the Sabines lived in the village until they were subjected to about 300 BC by the Romans. Emperor Augustus divided the place into the Region IV Area: Samnium one. At that time the place was called Pagus Cassian, which later Cassia and then Cascia was. First writing the place in the year 553 is mentioned, during the war of the Byzantines with the Goths, when the General Narsete befell the Aligerno to retire to Cascia. Then ruled by the Lombards and the Franks to 789 to 962, the year when Otto the Great gave the Pope the place. In the 11th century the castle Castrum Cassiae was built on top of the hill, by the influx of new residents originated soon after the city wall with seven gates around the present city center. After a short time under the rule of Spoleto, the city surrendered in 1198 again a pope, Innocent III. , Who granted the town and the villages around certain freedoms and Atonomien, but demanded tribute payments. 1213 acquired the Trinci dominion over the area. 1310 inhabitants attacked the King of Naples, Robert of Anjou, who was passing through on. Then the place was attacked by Count Roberto Acquaviva and almost completely destroyed. The aftermath was dominated by the struggles of the Guelphs and Ghibellines, the location was on the side of the latter and loyal to the Pope fraction. Pope Paul II had the castle Rocca di Cascia by Battista da Castiglione built to defend the town in 1465. After the rebellion against Pope Leo X in 1513 made ​​this the castle on April 6, 1517 attack and destroy. After the Sack of Rome in 1527 the Ghibellines took over the rule in place. 1540 broke the Salt War ( Guerra del Sale ) between the Papal States and around the Perugia by Pope Paul III. used from the salt tax, participated in the Cascia on the part of the Pope. 1596 received the Cascia by Pope Clement VIII, the city law, which. By the Popes Clement XI 1703 and Leo XII. Was confirmed in 1824. In the time of the Napoleonic occupation of the municipality was divided in 1809 into the still existing communities Cascia and Poggiodomo. 1860, the city was incorporated into the Kingdom of Italy.

Churches and Museums

E Basilica Santuario di Santa Rita

Basilica and Sanctuary, which was named after Rita of Cascia. Construction of the basilica was June 20, 1937, consecrated and she was appointed to the Basilica on August 1, 1955 by Pope Pius XII .. The building was erected on the site of the old Augustinian church itself was renovated in 1577 and older origin. The building complex has the Monastero, the Oratory of the Crucifix, the Cappella di Santa Rita include (part of the Basilica ), the cella di Santa Rita (part of the Mona istry ) and the Chiesa della beata Rita (part of the basilica). In Monasterium, the oldest part was built in the late 13th century and is dedicated to Mary Magdalene, Saint Rita lived forty years, and died here. It is still used as a monastery. In Coro antico, the seven works created in 1595 by an unknown local artist Il prodigio delle api, L' apparizione dei santi Giovanni Battista, Nicola da Tolentino are, Agostino, Il ritrovamento nel coro, La vestizione religiosa, Il ricevimento della stigmata, La sparizione della stigmata and La ricomparsa della stigmata.

Chiesa di San Francesco

The Chiesa di San Francesco is a church in Piazza Garibaldi from the 13th century, which was expanded in 1339 and 1424. The facade was completed in the 18th century and contains a portal with the fresco Madonna con Bambino tra San Francesco and Santa Chiara from the 15th century as well as a rosette of the year 1424, a Madonna col Bambino representing. The bell of the Campanile dates from the year 1280 and Giovanni Pisano is attributed. The interiors have been changed in the 17th century after an earthquake in 1738 and included the fresco by Bartolomeo di San Benedetto Tommaso and the last recorded work by Niccolò Circignani, called Il Pomarancio ( Ascensione ).

Chiesa di Sant'Antonio Abate / Museo Civico

In the former church now houses the Museum (Museo Civico, since 1998). The church was built around the 14th century and renovated in 1709 to repair the damage of the Erdbebends 1703. Here, the presbytery and the Coro delle monache were lost with frescoes from the 16th century. The apse contains the series of paintings Storie della vita di Sant'Antonio Abate (Stories from the Life of Antony the Great ), in sixteen images ( Vocazione di Sant'Antonio dei beni Donazione ai poveri, Vestizione del Santo, Prima tentazione, Altra tentazione, Ricostruzione dell'Oratorio, Cacciata del serpente, Apparizione di un angelo al Re di Palestina, shipped by di una parte del Re carovana because, Arrivo della carovana presso la Spelonca, Apparizione del demonio, Incontro con l' eremita Paolo, Visita dei due Santi eremiti ad altri monaci, Apparizione del corvo a Sant'Antonio ea San Paolo, Paolo and Funerali dell'Eremita Morte di Sant'Antonio ) is presented and probably by hl. San Simone Fidati di Cascia (1285-1348) was born. From the Maestro della di Terni Dormition or the Maestro del Trittico di Terni Visso the works stem Annunciation, I quattro Evangelisti and Madonna col Bambino, by Paolo as the work Madonna, Ss. Michele arcangelo e Anthony Abbot and of Domenico da Leonessa the work of San Giorgio, which was created in 1462. The sixteen -part work of Nicola da Siena, Storie della Vita di Cristo ( 1461 ), contains the topics Ingresso a Gerusalemme, L'ultima cena, Lavanda dei piedi, Orazione nell'orto, cattura di Cristo, Flagellation, Incoronazione di spine, Gesù davanti a Pilato, Ascesa al Monte Calvario, Crucifixion, Calvario, Deposizione dalla Croce, pie donne al sepolcro, Discesa al Limbo, Resurrezione and Apparizione alla Maddalena. The art gallery of the Museo Civico contains works by Antonio Rizzo and his workshop, including a wooden statue of San Sebastiano and Tobia e l' angelo (also Tobiolo e l' Angelo called ).

Palazzo Carli / Biblioteca Comunale Tranquillo Graziani

The building dates from the 16th century and is now home to the Biblioteca Comunale Tranquillo Graziani and the municipal archive ( Archivio Storico Comunale ) with documents from the 13th century. The Biblioteca Comunale was named after Tranquillo Graziani, a lawyer from Cascia, who lived in the 17th century and with his will, dated July 2, 1689 presented the first documents and books in the Library are available. The collection was greatly expanded by Lorenzo Franceschini in the 19th century. The first cataloging took place by Agostino Serantoni from the 1950s. It is located after several moves ( the collection was first in the Convent of the Annunciation, 1690 at the Palazzo Poli, from 1729 at the Palazzo Franceschini, 1732 at Palazzo Consolare and to 1979 in the Palazzo Comunale ) since 1997 in Palazzo Carli. The palace itself was built in the 16th century by the family Franceschini and passed to the family of Carli by the marriage of Gaetano Carli Anna Franceschini. 1979 the municipality bought Cascia the building that they renovated first and then installed the collection. A first restoration occurred as early as the 1599 earthquake, at that time, the Giardino ( Garden ) was created, which has also been restructured with the Palazzo after the 1703 earthquake.

Palazzo Santi / Museo Civico di Palazzo Santi

The building at the Piazza Aldo Moro dates from the 16th century and is located in the oldest part of the historic center. The Palazzo was built by Colasante Santi, a member of the local Santi family. It was renovated after the earthquake of 1599 by Pierluigi Cavaliere di Santo Stefano. After the earthquake of 1703 the Augustinian Order took over the building and kept it until 1739, when the local government exchanged the building against the Convento di Santa Lucia. The local authority used the palace as a barracks and headquarters of the medical officer and built in 1746 in the building of a church ( Chiesa di Emidio in honor of the patron saint against earthquakes, Emidio d' Ascoli, * 273 in Trier, † August 5 303 or 309 in Ascoli Piceno). 1768 was built by the Jesuits one of them run school that was converted five years later again in a barracks. After the unification of Italy in 1860 was the Palazzo seat of the Carabinieri, then until 1979 a hotel school. From 1980 to 1981, the palace was restored, he's since June 28, 1998 the seat of the Museo Civico. This includes on the ground floor houses an archaeological museum. Heard that the best known works by Domenico Corvi (San Giuseppe Vincenzo Ferrer Santissimi an e Antonio Abate, canvas painting ) ..

Additional points of interest

  • Chiesa di San Fortunato, resulting in the 12th century church in the village of Poggio Primocaso containing 1654 resulting fresco Arrivo della reliquia di San Fortunato by Guido Ubaldo Abbatini (also known as Guidobaldo Abbatini ).
  • Chiesa di Sant'Agostino, dating back to 1380 converted church of older origin, located at the highest point of the village. Under the church are the remains of a church from the 11th century.
  • Collegiate of Santa Maria, Church of the 12th century, which was repeatedly renewed and changed due to earthquake damage. According to legend, in 1381 the St. Rita of Cascia have been baptized in the baptismal font of the chapel.
  • Chiesa di San Leonardo parrocchiale, already mentioned in 1393 in the village church Tazzo
  • Chiesa di Santa Maria Avvocata, church ruins in the district Tazzo. Was built around 1300 and almost completely destroyed by the earthquake of 1979.
  • Palazzo Frenfanelli, building from the 16th century, today the seat of local government.
  • Rocca di Cascia, castle ruins, which was expanded in 1465 by Battista da Castiglione and was destroyed in 1517 by the soldiers of the Papal States.

Attractions in the district Roccaporena

  • Casa di Santa Rita, dating from the 14th century and home of the saints with associated garden Orto Miracle Church. 1629 was declared the chapel and contains an artwork of Luca Giordano. 1946 restored
  • Chiesa di San Montano, church of the 13th century in the district Roccaporena. Place where the hl. Rita Paolo di Ferdinando married.
  • Santuario di Sant Rita, 1946 -built sanctuary. Contains a created Venanzo Crocetti 1968 bronze figure of the saint.
  • Scoglio di Santa Rita, mountain, near the village of Roccaporena, where legend prayed after the saint. 1919, the chapel was built and rebuilt in 1979 after the earthquake.

Sons and daughters of the town

  • Rita of Cascia, 1381, born in about 5 km west -lying district Roccaporena nun and saint.


Cascia was the aim of the tenth stage of the Giro d' Italia in 1981, which won Giambattista Baronchelli.
