Castle Falkenstein (role-playing game)

Castle Falkenstein is a pen -and- paper role-playing game. The English original was published in 1994 when Truant Verlag R. Talsorian Games, the German translation in 1997.

It's set in a sort of steampunk Europe, called neuropathy. This world is roughly equivalent to the Victorian 19th century Europe with a different technology, which is largely based on the use of steam. Other special features include the existence of different Feenvölker and magic.


The framework describes the world in novel form, but the actual rules are only an appendix. These rules often somewhat vague held there is a role playing game that is characterized by improvisation and thereby partially reminiscent of a LARP.

The game is played as opposed to other role-playing games with playing cards instead of dice. It is to a complete set of used cards Canasta, so 2x52 cards queen leaf and six Joker, which is called at Castle Falkenstein fate sheet. Each player has four cards he Depending on the color, can be used as bonuses for a skill. So favors cross physical, social spades, hearts and diamonds emotional mental actions. Thus the player can coordinate its actions better than dice role playing games.

Source Books

  • Castle Falkenstein 1996. ISBN 3-926801-55-7
  • The Amazing wonders of the steam era in 1997. ISBN 3-926801-56-5
  • The Disappeared diaries of Leonardo da Vinci in 2004. ISBN 3-926801-57-3
  • Comme Il Faut - have been published only in English