Casual Friday

Casual Friday (also dress -down Friday or simply Casual Day - English for casual or casual Friday) refers to the practice in many companies practice, Friday to move away from the strict dress code and instead of the usual business attire to casual wear casual clothing. Even a casual shirt without a tie or turtleneck for example allowed with leisure jacket - Suits are normally worn with shirt and tie, on Fridays - as a transition or match in the weekend. The Casual Friday today is frequently misunderstood to the effect that partly jeans and t-shirt are allowed.


In the late 1950s the Casual Friday has arisen in the United States and Canada in many offices of large companies and banks, in which a certain dress code was specified. So Friday casual or sporty clothes could be worn in order to break away from the pressures of office life and set the stage for the approaching weekend. This should increase the morale of the office worker in open plan offices newly created. The distribution of casual Fridays at the time was not yet very large.

With the introduction of Aloha Friday Hawaii in 1966, was allowed to wear that day Hawaiian shirts.

In the late 1970s, when production of cheaper clothes stretched outside the U.S., started many major U.S. apparel companies massive advertising campaigns to establish the casual Friday as a fixed weekly means. Thus, the threat of competition from Europe should not be undermined.

Today, the Casual Friday is widespread throughout the United States and also in Europe and Asia. In many companies, it is also common that the employees go earlier Friday to happy hour or go into the weekend.

With the end of the Internet stock market boom, the importance of casual Friday has subsided. Until then emphasizes casual dress style, typically used in enterprises of the new economy, again seems to give way to a more classical style of dress.

Other meanings

  • Some businesses or schools ( with school uniform compulsory ) organize occasionally a Dress- Down Day or Home Clothes Day in which the employee or student must pay or donate a small contribution to appear clad in simple clothes or even in costumes. The money is then donated usually for charitable purposes.
  • Casual Friday was also the name of a weekly column in the Financial Times Germany with the subtitle " columns from the real economy ."
  • The fashion company Escada was launched in 2000 an eau de toilette for men by the name of Casual Friday on the market, but this set again in the meantime.


  • Dress Code