Catechesi tradendae

Catechesis tradendae is an Apostolic Letter of Pope John Paul II. , This post-synodal letter dated October 16, 1979 summarizes, subtitled About catechesis in our time, the results of the 4th Annual General Meeting ( 30 September-29 October 1977) Synod of Bishops together in Rome. The working results of this Synod are based on the documents of the Second Vatican Council and are based on the recommendations of the conciliar commissions.

In the introduction the author points out the importance of catechesis and mentioned the last mission Jesus Christ gave to his disciples. This was:

"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you ... (Matthew 28:19-20 EU) "

With this regard, the statement associated with that at all informed, the canonical mission must be granted. The post-synodal letter consists of three main sections, in which John Paul II reminds us of the high reputation of catechesis. He emphasizes that his predecessors had always tried very concerned about this pastoral task. He particularly mentioned by Pope Paul VI. , Who had come with his sermons and the reactions of the advisory decisions of the Second Vatican Council, especially for the " catechism in modern times."

The Pope recalled that Paul VI. have very actively contributed to resolving all issues of catechesis. So he had issued March 18, 1971, the approval of a general directory catechesis, in 1975 he founded the International Council for Catechesis, and opened on 25 September 1971 International Congress catechesis. Paul VI. have in his Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii nuntiandi ( "On Evangelization " ) stressed the importance of catechesis for the education of children and young people. Ultimately, he had dedicated the 4th Ordinary Synod of Bishops ' Catechesis in Our Time ", where he (John Paul II ) was allowed to participate.

John Paul II in his letter thanks for the fruitful cooperation, the Synod took place in a good atmosphere. At the end of the meeting the participants had submitted a comprehensive document with many and good suggestions, proposals and ideas.

His apostolic letter, the pope also called Exhortation and describes the purpose of his exhortation, by reflecting what already Paul VI. had made in the course of preparing the bishops' meeting clearly. He writes John Paul II, now stand in the responsibility of the Council Fathers John XXIII. and Paul VI. and he saw it as his duty to also to fulfill this apostolic task which is a central concern of the pastor. He brings encouragement as his desire to express that this letter the whole church should serve to the strength of faith and should lead to renewed vigor and alertness in the communities.

"There is only one teacher and this is Jesus Christ " is the key message of the apostolic letter and to clarify that the community of believers is always connected with the person of Christ. The essential object of catechesis is the guidance on the one and enigmatic person of Jesus Christ. It seeks to impart to explain the actions and words of Jesus Christ and it should lead the faithful to recognize the life of Jesus Christ in the Holy Trinity. This teacher is not an abstract but a person, but of Jesus Christ, which began with the teachings and the teachings must be understood through his life as a whole.
