
Hermit Thrush Catharus guttatus

The Muse chokes or nightingale thrushes ( Catharus ) are a genus of the thrush family ( Turdidae ), which occurs with twelve species in North, Central and South America. The genus name derives from the Greek καθαρός ( Katharos = pure) from what is on the unspotted plumage coloration of the type species, the gold beak Muse throttle ( Catharus aurantiirostris ) refers. It is mostly hidden by live birds, which are known for their pleasant song.


The Muse chokes are inconspicuous, dark colored birds. Some species have a black cap. The belly is pale with dark spots in most species. The extreme swing of the wings are long.


All species overwinter in tropical Central and South America from Mexico to Peru. The Bicknelldrossel ( Catharus bicknelli ), Wilson's Thrush ( Catharus fuscescens ), the gray cheeks Thrush ( Catharus minimus ), the Hermit Thrush ( Catharus guttatus ) and the dwarf Thrush ( Catharus ustulatus ) are migratory birds to breed move to North America and occasionally as vagrants also occur in Europe. The other species are tropical resident birds.


The genus includes twelve species:

  • Wilson's thrush, Catharus fuscescens
  • Gray cheeks throttle, Catharus minimus
  • Bicknelldrossel, Catharus bicknelli
  • Dwarf throttle, Catharus ustulatus
  • Hermit Thrush, Catharus guttatus
  • Gold -billed Muse throttle, Catharus aurantiirostris
  • Slaty- Muse thrush, Catharus fuscater
  • Brown-headed Muse thrush, Catharus occidentalis
  • Grey -throated Muse throttle, Catharus gracilirostris
  • Mountain Muse thrush, Catharus frantzii
  • Schwarzkopf Muse thrush, Catharus mexicanus
  • Drops of breast Muse throttle, Catharus dyas


After mtDNA analysis results in the following cladogram for the genus:

Wilson's thrush, Catharus fuscescens

Gray cheeks throttle, Catharus minimus

Bicknelldrossel, Catharus bicknelli

Mountain Muse thrush, Catharus frantzii

Brown-headed Muse thrush, Catharus occidentalis

Hermit Thrush, Catharus guttatus

Grey -throated Muse throttle, Catharus gracilirostris

Dwarf throttle, Catharus ustulatus

Schwarzkopf Muse thrush, Catharus mexicanus

Slaty- Muse thrush, Catharus fuscater

Drops of breast Muse throttle, Catharus dyas

Gold -billed Muse throttle, Catharus aurantiirostris

