Catherine Malabou

Catherine Malabou (* 1959 ) is a French philosopher.

Life and work

Malabou is philosophy professor at the University of Paris- Nanterre and Visiting Professor of Comparative Literature at the State University of New York at Buffalo. She is the editor of the philosophical series " Non et Non " by Editions Léo Scheer.

In a large part of her work she explores the relationship between dialectic and deconstruction by the concept of " plasticity ". In her book L' Avenir de Hegel: plasticité, temporalité, dialectique ( her thesis, which she wrote at the EHESS under the supervision of Jacques Derrida), they argued that plasticity is the ability to simultaneously take shape and to give and so for open the future. Through the concept of plasticity can not only describe shape, but you can on the contrary be understood as destruction of all form.

Your concept of plasticity it takes one hand, Hegel, on the other hand the current state of neuroscience. In her book, published in German What to do with our brain? shows them new models of organization, new configurations of being and new systematic functions.

La countre - allée is the result of a collaboration with Jacques Derrida, a collection of randomly arranged chapters on Derrida's thinking, his character and the concept of travel. She reads Derrida's notion of " différance " once again to ask the question of the track and the regeneration that may constitute a post- deconstructive concept in their plasticity. The book contains postcards of Derrida Malabou that give an answer to her work arising.

In Le Change Malabou Heidegger examines the relationship between negativity and transformation. Les nouveaux blesses represents a dialogue between Hegel and Freud treated the refusal, denial, rejection, and death. Through the phenomenon of trauma she tries to think the interface between neuroscience shaft, psychoanalysis and philosophy.
