Catherine of Genoa

Catherine of Genoa ( born April 5, 1447 Genoa; † September 15, 1510 ibid ) was an Italian saint and mystic, and was canonized in 1737 by the Catholic Church.


She was the daughter of the Viceroy of Naples Fieschi, came after the death of her husband in the Third Order of St.. Francis and devoted himself to the care of plague victims. Your name days are March 22 and July 22. Your life described Maralotti ( 1551 ).

It is reported that that they chastened themselves in order to be closer to God. During Lent they fed on only by the Communion.

Their mystical experiences she had from 1499 until her death. During this period, the three great mystical works of Katharina, of which the Treatise on Purgatory is best known.

Catherine of Genoa in 1675 by Pope Clement X beatified in 1737 by Pope Clement XII. canonized together with Vincent de Paul, Francis Regis and Juliana of Falconieri. Your Catholic feast day is 15 September.

In 1944 she made Pope Pius XII. the second patron saint of Italian hospitals.

In the past, there was speculation it could be the fourth (and the first married ) Doctor of the Church are.


  • Vita ( biography )
  • Trattato del Purgatorio ( Treatise on Purgatory )
  • Dialogo tra anima, corpo, amor propio, spirito, umanità e Dio ( clergy dialogue)