Caulonia (ancient city)

Kaulon or Kaulonia or Caulania is an ancient town in Bruttium, today Calabria.

Kaulon located on the eastern coast of Calabria in the field of community Monasterace. The town was founded by colonists from Achaia, Greece mother before 700 BC. It is believed that the name was derived from a citizen named Kaulos. A few decades after the founding of the city formed alliances with croton ( also Bruttium ) and Sybaris (later Thurii in Lucania ). These cities were also Achaean ups. The large number of magnificent minted coins suggests a floristic economy. Kaulon was destroyed 388 BC.

Through winter storms 2013/2014 of the archaeological site was heavily damaged.

The finds that were found here are exhibited in the Museo Nazionale della Magna Grecia in Reggio Calabria.
