CDU/CSU#Kreuther Trennungsbeschluss

Is referred to as Kreuther separation resolution of the aggregate in Wildbad Kreuth on 19 November 1976 at the training center of the Hanns -Seidel -Stiftung resolution of the CSU party, the parliamentary group not to continue in the 8th term of the German Bundestag with the CDU. He was the highlight of the guided discussion in the CSU to a nationwide expansion in fourth party. Colloquially, it is often the spirit of Kreuth the speech.

After the general election in 1976, who had narrowly lost the Union parties, the future CSU Members met before the Constitution of the 8th parliament to a closed meeting in Wildbad Kreuth. This was taken on 19 November 1976 with 30 in favor and 18 votes against, with one abstention, as well as an invalid voice of the separation decision. Official reasons for this were a more effective opposition work and more speaking time in Parliament. In fact, the Kreuther separation resolution of violent conflicts and a power struggle resulted between the two party leaders Helmut Kohl (CDU ) and Franz Josef Strauss (CSU ), who had especially the common ratio for the FDP and strategic considerations, establishing a so-called Fourth Party to content.

On December 12, 1976, the separation decision was eventually withdrawn, the special autonomy of the CSU but confirmed. The dispute ultimately paved the way for a chancellor candidacy of Franz Josef Strauss in the general election in 1980.
