Cecil Adams

Cecil Adams is the name that allegedly the pseudonym of the author of The Straight Dope column, which appears in the weekly newspaper The Chicago Reader since 1973.

About the person

The identity of Cecil Adams is currently unknown. Adams, in his column only extremely sparse details about his person award, claiming that he had never been photographed. This Editor Ed Zotti (born 1951 ), however, referred to Adams as a confidant. The fact that a book Zotti (Know it all! ) In the style of Adams ' wrote, in the readership applies, inter alia as a clear indication that Zotti himself hides behind the pseudonym Cecil Adams.

" The Straight Dope "

In addition to the original edition in The Chicago Reader 's column The Straight Dope appears in around 30 major U.S. newspapers. Adams answered questions in the reader. This can be both to ordinary everyday issues as. Well to partly absurd conspiracy theories or urban legends The peculiar humor of the column stems from the question itself, and from the answers by Adams. Adams ' responses can precipitate out quite ugly, to be answered anecdotally or require a substantial research effort. The topics and columns are also discussed by Adams ' fans on Internet forums. Occasionally, Adams expresses itself or is there also asked its readers for the correction.

Adams ' columns since 1975 are illustrated by cartoonist Slug Signorino. The online archive of The Straight Dope comprises around 600 items. So far five books with Adams ' columns have appeared.
