Celtiberian script

The Celtiberian script is a closely related by several syllabic scripts that were used before and at the start of Roman rule in the Iberian Peninsula. Whether they go back directly or indirectly via Greek letters on Phoenician models is unclear. The Celtiberian script was used in the 2nd to 1st century BC in the Iberian Peninsula to record the language of the Celtiberian. The Celtiberian script is very similar to nordostiberischen font. The characters represent partly open syllables of consonant and vowel, sometimes individual sounds. There is a western variant that is different voiced and unvoiced plosives, and an eastern variant which does not. The writing was predominantly written from left to right.

Bronze plaque of Luzaga ( Guadalajara), Western variant

Tessera of Uxama ( Osma, Soria ), Western variant

Bronze plaque of Botorrita (Zaragoza ), eastern variant

Tessera Fröhner, eastern variant
