Central Product Classification

The Central Product Classification (abbreviation: CPC, German: Central Product Classification) is the classification of the goods by the United Nations ( UN). It is valid since 1989 and is improved at irregular intervals and adjusted to changes in the economy. The currently valid version is the CPC Vers 2

The aim of the CPC is to cover all cargo which may be the subject of a domestic or international economic transaction. Taking into account both goods and services, as well as material ( land) and intangible (patents, copyrights ) are hereby assets. To keep the statisticians of national economies to the CPC, the economies, their production and their trade will be more precise compared with each other.

Besides the UN create other organizations classification of goods, but mostly today build on the CPC. The EU classification of the Classification of Products by Activity (abbreviation: CPA, German: European Classification of Products by Activity ).
