Centre national d'études des télécommunications

CNET or the Centre national d'études for Telecommunications ( National Center for the Study of Telecommunications ) was a French national research center for studies in the field of telecommunications.

Its creation was on May 4, 1944 as French, überministeriales Research under the General supervision of the French Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.

In 1990, the French government privatized the Directorate General of Telecommunications ( DGT) (part of the French Ministry of Post and Telecommunications), and founded the state-controlled joint-stock company France Télécom with CNET as the center for research and development. In March 2000, CNET went on in the France Telecom R & D, the company branch for research and development within the Group of France Télécom. This corporate branch included the previously independent units such as CNET and CCETT at (founded in 1972 ), as more units. Since 2007, France Telecom R & D is better known as Orange Labs, a global network of research and development units.

Pictures of Centre national d'études des télécommunications
