Century egg

Millennial eggs, fermented egg, hundred-year egg or Chinese egg (Chinese皮蛋, Pinyin pidan, leather - eggs ' or松花蛋Chinese, Pinyin sōnghuādàn ) are a delicacy in Chinese cuisine. It is preserved by fermentation eggs.

To prepare raw duck eggs, chicken eggs rare, for about three months in a slurry of anise, Szechuan pepper, tea leaves, pine needles, fennel seeds, salt, warm water, burnt lime, wood ash and sawdust are inserted. During this time, the egg white into a gelatinous amber mass, the yolk gets a quarkige consistency and turns green. However, there are various preservation options, with slightly different ingredients used. Commonly used mixtures of ash, salt, lemon and tea also.

Millennial eggs are chilled stored for months ( up to 3 years are possible). In China, there are two types of eggs: with fixed or only semi-solid yolk. " The semi-solid yolk has a pleasant, mild flavor without biting lemon flavor and no aftertaste. (...) Pidan with hard yolks have a slightly acrid, slightly salty flavor and a lingering aftertaste. " They are served as an appetizer or snack with soy sauce, vinegar and ginger.

Although not exactly detectable, the origin of the court in the Ming Dynasty is believed 600 years ago in Hunan.

Pictures of Century egg
