Cepheus, King of Tegea

Cepheus ( Κηφεύς ancient Greek ) In Greek mythology, a king of Tegea and participants of the voyage of the Argonauts. He was a son of the king and his cousin Aleos Neaira and thus the brother of Lycurgus, the Amphidamas and the eye. His children were, among others Sterope, Aeropos, and Antinoopolis.

When Heracles went through Arcadia, he asked Cepheus about struggling with his twenty sons at his side. Cepheus was concerned but, his neighbors, the Argives would come in Tegea, when he left the city and therefore rejected from. Heracles had received from Athena a strand from the head of Medusa, which he gave Sterope. He told her that she should keep the streak on the approach of the enemy over the city walls and they would flee. Thereupon Cepheus be persuaded to participate in the train. Sterope managed to ward the streak attack the Argives, Cepheus but was slain by his twenty sons on the trip.
