Cerastes (genus)

Desert horned viper ( cerastes cerastes )

The Horn of Africa vipers ( cerastes ), often referred to simply as Horn vipers, are a genus of Real vipers with three species that live in North Africa and southwest Asia, especially in the Arabian Peninsula. Characteristic design and name are each consisting of a scale squirrel above the eyes, which occur in all kinds of more or less pronounced.


The Horn of Africa vipers are among the medium-sized vipers with a stocky body and a short, pointed tail. The body is covered with oblique rows of scales with strongly keeled scales.

The head is broad and flattened triangular in shape and clearly separated from the body. It is covered by small, irregular and keeled scales, whose number is usually 15 single scales. The muzzle is broad and short and the eyes are relatively small with a generally vertical pupil. On the scales above the eyes ( Supraocularia ) most conspicuous, each consisting of a scale, horns are formed. However, they can be absent in all species even within the same population. Only when Avicennaviper (C. Vipera ) is the horns loose form of rule.

Way of life

The Horn of Africa vipers are primarily crepuscular and nocturnal and bury themselves in the midday heat in the sand or hide in Säugerbauten or under stones. Horn vipers are found in the desert in quite different habitats of the rocky Hamada to pure sand desert, but keep preferably in the area of plant collections. They move on quickly overcoming page. They alternately lift a piece of the body behind head and in front of the tail off the ground and put him staggered again. The snake leaves the characteristic traces of the Sidewinder in the sand. With her shed the animals can produce a rattling sound by rubbing together.

For the preferred prey includes small vertebrates such as birds, lizards and rodents, but insects.


For the genus of the African Horn vipers currently four types are counted:

  • Cerastes boehmei
  • Desert horned viper ( cerastes cerastes )
  • Arab horned viper ( cerastes gasperettii )
  • Avicennaviper ( Vipera cerastes )

Snake venom

The poison of all African Horn vipers is strong hemotoxic, treatment with an adequate antivenin is necessary.
