
Certiorari is a legal term (Latin certioro, certiorem facio - as can be computed, confirm ), which goes back to the process doctrine of Ulpian and refers to the process of action by which a higher court ( iudex ad quem ) at a lower court ( iudex a quo ) used in order to check its decision.

Today the term is loosely translated to " send the files " in the general sense that a parent body requesting the file at a lower level.

Especially in the U.S. the term refers to (or " cert " or " certworthy " ) a process step as a combination of the approval of an inserted appeal and the proclamation of the devolutive outward confirmation of the appellation approval. The appellate court shall, in this case, a writ of certiorari.

For the European Court of Justice, the introduction of certiorari is discussed.
