Cesar Department

The Departamento del Cesar is a department in northeastern Colombia. It is bordered to the east by Venezuela and is otherwise surrounded by the departments of La Guajira in the north, Norte de Santander in the east, in the south of Santander and Bolívar and Magdalena on the west.

In agriculture, cotton, rice and sorghum are mainly grown. Cattle breeding in the north and south of the province. In mineral resources as coal, oil and limestone are present.

Far from the capital Valledupar, in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, are the two highest peaks in the country - the Pico Cristóbal Colón and Pico Simón Bolívar.

Administrative subdivision

The Departamento del Cesar consists of 25 municipalities ( municipios ). These are divided into a core municipality ( Cabecera Municipal) and the surrounding area ( Resto Rural). The surrounding in turn is further divided into so-called police inspections ( Inspecciones de Policía Municipal), smaller offices ( corregimientos ), municipal centers ( Centros Poblados ) and Homesteads ( Caseríos ). Below listed are the communities with their total population from the census of the Colombian Bureau of Statistics DANE from the year 2005.

Amazon | Antioquia | Arauca | Atlántico | Bogotá - Distrito Capital | Bolivar | Boyacá | Caldas | Caquetá | Casanare | Cauca | Cesar | Chocó | Córdoba | Cundinamarca | Guainía | Guaviare | Huila | La Guajira | Magdalena | meta | Nariño | Norte de Santander | Putumayo | Quindio | Risaralda | San Andrés and Providencia | Santander | Sucre | Tolima | Valle del Cauca | Vaupés | Vichada

  • Colombian Departamento
  • Departamento del Cesar