
The septic tank or septic tank is a pit for rainwater infiltration or autonomous drainage of black water or sewage.


The design comes from simple pits to the soakaway from precast concrete.


In many countries, the disposal of human excreta and sometimes the wastewater through septic tanks in rural areas the rule ( eg USA, Canada, France, Spain). Depending on the design they can also be operated with water flushing. Usually, however, require an outhouse septic tanks. The excrement then land either directly or through pipes in an excavated pit with a porous substrate, usually normal soil. Urine and other liquids seep into the floor and the walls, leaving only a solid, rotting mass, consisting of feces, toilet paper and the like. The pit is filled up to a certain level, it is replenished, as a rule with earth, and excavated elsewhere a new pit. A septic tank with a superimposed " Thunder Box " so represents the simplest form of a toilet

During the Middle Ages and in early modern septic tanks were often used in cities, for the disposal of waste of all types, from archaeological excavations therefore often find them in all sorts of everyday objects. Sometimes organic materials (eg, wood, leather) have been preserved due to favorable conditions, so here everyday objects can be recovered, which would not otherwise have survived.

In Germany and many other countries septic tanks are now only used for environmental reasons for infiltration of rain water, the discharge of domestic effluent is usually no longer allowed. For this purpose, serves the public sewer system or a septic tank. Colloquially often do not distinguish between septic tanks and cesspools.
