Ceylon (programming language)

Ceylon is a programming language with a Software Development Kit (SDK ), which is based on Java and is compiled for the Java Virtual Machine. The name is also the former name of the island of Sri Lanka and the thence derived Ceylon teas. This can be seen as an allusion to Java, which was named after the Arabica coffee, which is grown on the island of Java. The project aims to develop a language and SDK by today's design standards, which is to be learned from both the right and the wrong decisions of the Java project.

How the Java compiler generates the Ceylon compiler bytecode for the Java Virtual Machine. It was initiated by the Red Hat developer Gavin King, who became known for his work on Seam and the Hibernate framework. Syntactically viewed Ceylon leans heavily on Java. Red Hat describes the language as easy to read and extremely type safe. So far, the compiler for the command line, language modules, the runtime system, an Eclipse-based development environment and compiler documentation were published. Compared with the planned for version 1.0 language scope missing the end of 2011 numbered types, user-defined annotations and reflection.

Fundamental Concepts of Language

Ceylon largely inherits the syntax of Java. Hello World in Ceylon looks like this:

Void hello () {     print (" Hello World! "); } overloading

Ceylon does not support method overloading, but optional parameters can be assigned a default value.

Higher-order functions

Ceylon supports higher-order functions.

Void repeat ( Natural times, void perform ()) {      for ( n in 1 Natural. times) {          perform ();      } } compiler

The Ceylon compiler is a multilayer structure and consists of a parser / type checker that validates the code, and a back end that performs using the openjdk- compiler, the translation into Java bytecode. Both parser and compiler are written in Java. Is also being worked on another backend, which should make it possible to translate Ceylon programs in Javascript.


On 20 December 2011, the first of six milestones for the 1.0 version was released. Milestone six has been released on September 23, 2013, and bears the unofficial version 0.6. On November 12, 2013 was finally published version 1.0.0. Information on future releases can be found in the official roadmap of the project.


On the run by Red Hat page try ceylon.rhcloud.com you can look at finished code examples for individual language features and also myself write small programs that are parsed using the Javascript compiler and run directly in the browser.
