
Chaac (also Chaq or Chaak spoken: " Cha- ak" ) was in the world of the gods of the Mayan god of rain, thunder, fertility and agriculture. He is also referred to as a god and B is similar to the Aztec Tlaloc. As is usual with other Maya gods Chaac was seen either as a god or as four different deities ( for each direction ):

  • " Chac Xib Chaac ": Red Chaac of the East
  • " Sac Xib Chaac " or " Zac Xib Chaac ": White Chaac of the North
  • " Ek Xib Chaac ": black Chaac of the West
  • " Kan Xib Chaac ": Yellow Chaac of the South

In this form of the four individual deities he is closely related to the Bacab ( the carriers of the four corners of the world and sons of God Itzamná ).

The Rain God Chaac was due to the frequent droughts in the Maya region of great importance and it was performed in honor of him many sacrifices (eg in the cenote of Chichen Itza ). The masks of the rain god Chaac you will find many of the buildings and temples of the Maya. He is depicted with a trunk- like, upturned nose and two downwardly curled canines. Especially often the representations on the Yucatán Peninsula are found.

The hieroglyph of his name has an eye which in the Madrid Codex ( Codex Tro-Cortesianus ) resembles the shape of a T. It was assumed that this element represents tears that trickle from the eye which symbolize the rain and also fertility. His symbols include the number six and the day Ik ( " Wind ").

The deity Chaac is not to be confused with the figures in the Chac Mool - style that were incorrectly named by the American archaeologist Augustus Le Plongeon so.

Examples of Chaac representations

Mayan God Chaac

At the Iglesia Chichen Itza

Governor's Palace in Uxmal

Codz - Poop Palace in Kabah

Grand Palace in Labná
