
A chair ( in Austria often chair) is an engineered in many varieties seating for one person, which is composed usually of a pedestal, a simple or padded seat and a backrest and is different from the simple stool without backrest and upholstered armchairs. The ideal seat height is 42-48 cm. Special forms include folding and folding chairs, the rocking chair and the kneeling chair.

  • 6.1 after the construction
  • 6.2 for the function


The word chair - Old High German stuol ' seat, throne ' ( 8th century ), Middle High German stuol (also called ' bowel movement '), Old Saxon / Middle Low German STOL, medium Dutch / Dutch stoel, Old English stol, English stool, Old Norse stoll, Swedish stol, gothic Stols ( Germanic * stole ) and Lithuanian pastõlas ' stand, stand ', Slavonic stolъ ' seat, throne ', Russian stol ( стол ) ' table, meal, Office, Tsar throne ' - with l suffix to the Indo-European root * STA, * stǝ - ' stand, ask ' is formed.

Starting with a meaning ' frame ' ( preserved in roof, bell, loom ), the expression developed in the Germanic becomes a synonym for ' high, seat of honor, throne ' ( a ruler, Richert, etc.) ..

History of sitting

Originally, the people sat on the bare ground, on rocks or on upturned tree trunks; in kälterern regions put one animal skins under one or braided mats or woven blankets or tied carpets. In some cultures in Africa and Asia were sitting for a longer time in a sort of squatting position.

In ancient Egypt, and sat enthroned only the Pharaohs, the kings of the Middle East or the Emperor of China stone or wooden chairs as a symbol of their power status. In simpler circuits were known - if at all - only simple craft stool with a woven seat bed.

The further spread of posture occurred, starting with the thrones of kings and princes, in the places of worldly and spiritual power, in ruling houses and monasteries (eg on wooden benches in the banqueting halls or on stone benches in chapter houses ). Single chairs remained reserved for high-ranking people.

As a result, from about the 16th century, the practice of sitting on chairs was taken over by the increasingly powerful bourgeoisie or of landlords. Only from the 18-19. Century was sitting on chairs in wide circles of the population gradually becomes the norm, but still a long time between the home side reserved for armchair and ease of seating (benches, stools, etc. ) for the rest of the family, or was at all distinguished for servants.

Design and function

, The normal or simple chair is usually made of the chair legs 4, the seat and the backrest. Critical but is not the only function, but also their quality. Here, inter alia, the assembly of Stühlfüsse, the material, the chair springs and the cushion in durability play a crucial role.

Both chair legs, and the seat and backrest can also be low but high quality. A high chair can last a lifetime, while an identical -looking chair inferior quality may have been after one year, a broken cushion or a broken chair leg. Also, chairs with inferior to sharp Stühlfüssen can the carpet on which he is destroying.

Consequently, especially for obese people and people with disabilities to choose the right chair is a challenging task. It should be noted that chairs usually, apart from the high chair and custom-made, not for all weight classes are designed.

A cushion buffers from the chair, this often so-called zig -zag springs are used that make the whole pad down elastic and thus contribute to the uniform weight distribution. In addition to this you will find also again springs, which prevent the occupant presses the cushion to the height of the frame.

One sees the turn of the chair only a rust where the pad rests, the chair is rather low quality, unless springs stand on. Can you account for just one sheet of plywood, it is even very likely, since the manufacturer apparently leaving here alone on the filling.

However, the loading of a chair is different from that of a pillow - a similar structure therefore affects the sustainability of the chair against it clear.

For chairmaking nowadays materials like aluminum and steel have proven, since many of the disadvantages of wood are avoided, see also wood preservatives. Nevertheless chairs subjective act of these materials often colder and more uncomfortable than wood chairs.

An alternative to the metals, the material is lignum vitae, as it is very resistant to wear and tear, fungi, insects and weathering by nature and need not be treated. This lock out the carpenter, due to the higher expenses and costs, but rather for themselves, for individual orders or as part of the master craftsman.

Standards for chair design and safety

  • DIN EN 1335 Office furniture - Office work chair
  • DIN EN 1728 furniture - Seating - Test methods for determining the strength and durability
  • DIN 68878 chairs for the living area - performance characteristics - Requirements and test methods

Appropriateness and status symbol

For the equipment gastronomic establishments and public institutions a flexible seating for different visitor numbers is important, even for individuals with outdoor seating. Here, a stacking of the chairs is important so that the storage space when not in use remains small.

Chairs also serve as a status symbol. In the office, we recognize the executive chair immediately to scope, size, exclusivity of the armrests, the suggested air of severity, immobility, etc. Charlie Chaplin used this symbolism in his film The Great Dictator for a meeting between Hitler and Mussolini, in which each of the two endeavors is to sit higher than the other.


To protect precious chairs from dirt and wear, optical improvement and unification of different models, as well as for interior design chairs are sometimes covered with decorative fabric. The technical term for such furniture coverings called Husse.

Other types of chairs

After construction

  • Chump chair
  • Cantilever chair without back legs
  • Rocking chair
  • Stool or stool without backrest
  • Folding chair, chair Sweden
  • Saddle Chair
  • Kneeling Chair
  • Windsor chair

According to the function

  • Office chair ( swivel chair, office chair, saddle chair )
  • Electric Chair
  • Deck chair
  • Highchair
  • Barber chair, dental chair
  • Pew
  • Birth chair
  • Car seat
  • Wheelchair

Design classics

Red - blue chair by Gerrit Rietveld (1917 )

Marcel Breuer Wassily Chair No B3 ( 1924)

Arne Jacobsen: Chair 3100, Chair called ants (1950 )

Arne Jacobsen: Chair 3107

Verner Panton (1960 )

Bofinger Chair (1964/1966)

Kreuzschwingers (R ) by Till Behrens ( 1960)
