Chalice Well

The Chalice Well (Eng. " chalice source ") is a holy well located in the English county of Somerset at the foot of Glastonbury Tor. The water of the spring is rich in iron and therefore has a reddish coloration. The source is surrounded by gardens. Both the source and the gardens are under the administration of Wellesley Tudor Pole established by 1959 Chalice Well Trust. Archaeological investigations have shown that for about 2,000 years, people living near the Chalice Well. Today, the Chalice Well is one of the most famous and popular sources in Britain.


To the reddish color of the water is shrouded two legends. According to legend, Joseph of Arimathea buried the Holy Grail at this point, after which the source sprang. The second legend, the Grail Josef washed in spring water, whereupon this discolored red. The water a medicinal qualities.
