
The Chamaver (also Chamavi, Latin: Chamavi, Greek: οι Καμαυοί ) were a West Germanic tribe that eventually merged into the Franks.

Originally they appear north of the lip in the right bank room to have settled, but shifted their headquarters in the 1st century BC, apparently. Your new settlement area in the Lower Rhine, which had once belonged to the Brukterern, according to Tacitus bordered in the 1st century AD the Germanic tribes of the Angrivarii and Dulgubnier. In late ancient sources the Chamaver then dive again. The Roman Emperor Constantius I. Constantine and beat the Chamaver, were advancing the middle of the 4th century west on Roman territory. They were defeated by Julian and made ​​peace. End of the 4th century, the fighting flared up again but after Frankish tribes had invaded the Romans. The Report of the historian Sulpicius Alexander in a now lost work of history, whose descriptions but were processed by Gregory of Tours in the 6th century. 392, there was therefore a Roman punitive expedition under the command Arbogast, Franke was himself, but acted as a Roman Master of the Soldiers. The Romans devastated through the territory of Chamaver.

In the late antique sources Chamaver were designated in addition to their own name as francs. They seem to have but retains a certain self identity before. In later sources, as in Gregory of Tours, were only called Franken In early medieval times her name lived on in the region around Deventer, in the name Hamaland.

One relating to the rights of a Frankish tribe right recording from the Carolingian period is known since the mid-19th century as Lex Francorum Chamavorum. The name Chamaver but is not even mentioned in the text. The text is also known as Ewa (or Euua ) ad Amorem.
