Chancay culture

The Chancay culture developed on the coast of Central Peru, north of Lima, 1300-1450.


She is known, among other things through their ceramic figurines, grave urns and the cuchimilcos that were found in large quantities in various tombs larger necropolis, as in Ancon. These tombs were all robbed. The Chancay culture spread across four coastal valleys: Chillón, Huaura, Rímac and Chancay.

Craft and art

Cuchimilcos are stylized anthropomorphic figures of various sizes. They are usually relatively crude, modeled infrequently and with extending color, suggesting that they were made in a hurry.

The Canchay culture is also characterized by a valuable textile art, which was acquired by the Paracas culture. Examples include funeral shrouds, and various objects, such as Chancay dolls. This fabric dolls were given to the dead in the grave. Some appear to represent stages of life of the deceased or people who were very close to him.
