Chaoyang (Liaoning)

Chaoyang (Ch朝阳 市) is a prefecture-level city in western Liaoning Province in the People's Republic of China with a population of about 3.426 million (2010) and an area of ​​19,736 km ². According to the Population Chaoyang is the fourth largest prefecture-level city in Liaoning.

Chaoyang is made up of two districts, two circles, one Autonomous County and two county boroughs together. These are:

  • Municipality Shuangta (双塔 区), 211 km ², 310,000 inhabitants, center, seat of the city government;
  • Municipality Longcheng (龙 城区), 346 km ², 170,000 inhabitants;
  • Chaoyang District (朝阳 县), 4216 km ², 620,000 inhabitants, the seat of county government in the district Shuangta;
  • Jianping County (建平县), 4838 km ², 580,000 inhabitants;
  • Autonomous District Harqin Left Wing of the Mongols (喀喇沁 左翼 蒙古族 自治县), 2240 km ², 420,000 inhabitants, capital: greater community Dachengzi (大城 子 镇);
  • City Beipiao (北票市), 4583 km ², 620,000 inhabitants;
  • City Ling Yuan (凌源 市), 3297 km ², 650,000 inhabitants.


41.583333333333120.43333333333Koordinaten: 41 ° 35 ' N, 120 ° 26 ' E

Anshan | Benxi | Chaoyang | Dalian | Dandong | Fushun | Fuxin | Huludao | Jinzhou | Liaoyang | Panjin | Shenyang | Tieling | Yingkou

  • Place in Liaoning
  • District -free city (China)
  • Million city

Pictures of Chaoyang (Liaoning)
