Charles Halton

Charles Halton ( born March 16, 1876 in Washington, DC, † April 16, 1959 in Los Angeles, California ) was an American actor.

Life and career

Charles Halton went to drama school Academy of Dramatic Arts in New York. In 1901 he made ​​his Broadway debut, where he appeared in a period of almost 50 years in over 35 productions. His first film The Adventurer turned Halton in 1917, but the film appearances were increasing until the mid- 1930s. He played in many famous movies minor and bit parts, with many of his cunning or hard figures on the principle of " I'm sorry, but it's my job " negotiated. He played lawyers, officials and bankers who ran the unpleasant decisions.

The small actor with a bald patch appeared in all genres, including comedies ( to be or not ), dramas ( The best years of our lives ), Western ( Footprints in the sand ) and thrillers - Alfred Hitchcock occupied Charles Halton beginning of the 1940s three times in his films. While he had major supporting roles in several films, many performances were in the credits unmentioned This also applies to his now perhaps the most famous appearance, namely a fatal bank auditor in the Christmas classic Is not life beautiful?. From the 1950s he was also seen in some TV shows. His last of some 175 films was High School Confidential! from the year 1958.

Charles Halton died a month after his 83rd birthday on hepatitis. About his personal life is only known that he was married to Lelah Halton.

