Charles Henri Baker

Charles -Henry Jean -Marie Baker ( born June 3, 1955 in Port-au -Prince ) is a Haitian industrialist residing in the United States and presidential candidate in the 2006 elections and 2010. Characterizes himself as an independent candidate, but the party is Komba de Chavennes close. Baker was a member of the group 184, a coalition of business people, church representatives and NGOs, which exercised 2004 resistance against the then government of Jean -Bertrand Aristide. Baker is considered as a candidate of the wealthy classes in Haiti and is favored by the international business community.

Curriculum vitae

Baker's father Edouard Baker was a famous engineer and agronomist and a famous football player. His mother Louise Barranco is a businesswoman and founder of the first Haitian supermarket chain. He has two brothers and three sisters.

After completing primary school in Haiti, he went to the United States, graduated from the Redondo High School and then went to college. He finished his training in 1976 as a Bachelor of Arts in Management at St. Leo College in Tampa, Florida, from.

In 1975 he married Marie Florence Apaid. The couple has three children and a grandson.

Baker's career began when he was 21 years old, in the family-owned supermarket chain. When his father fell ill, Baker took over his tobacco farm Habitation Dujour. Under his leadership, the farm expanded rapidly and became one of the largest tobacco farms in Haiti. At the same time, he worked from 1982 to 1985 in a company that is engaged in tobacco farming.

In the late 1980s he began to buy companies in the clothing industry and to set up. These companies came because of their low social standards in the criticism.

In 2000, he joined the Association des Industries d' Haiti and a year later became vice president.

  • Man
  • Entrepreneur
  • Born in 1955
  • Haitian