Charles Meynier

Charles Meynier (* November 24, 1763 in Paris, † September 6, 1832 ) was a French painter of the 18th and 19th century during the Napoleonic Wars.

Life and work

Little is known about Meynier. He was a pupil of François -André Vincent and won second prize at the 1789 competition Prix de Rome. He designed the reliefs of the Paris Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel. Since 1816 he was a member of the Académie des Beaux -Arts. One of his best known paintings is the collection of Napoleon in Berlin dar. He was a contemporary of Antoine -Jean Gros and Jacques -Louis David.

Meynier works can be found in the Louvre in Paris, the Palace of Versailles, the Musée Magnin in Dijon and owned by the French Treasury. A large retrospective was held in 2008.

On the art market up to 536,000 U.S. dollars were paid for his oil paintings.
