Charles Sabel

Charles Frederick Sabel ( born December 1, 1947) is an American professor of Law and Social Sciences at Columbia University in New York.

Life and work

He was in 1976 as a research assistant to a project group in the directed by Jürgen Habermas department at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of the living conditions of the scientific and technical world in Starnberg and was co-author of the study Economic Crisis Tendencies in Contemporary Capitalism (1978).

From 1977 to 1995 he taught and did research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he held a professorship in political and social sciences and lectureships from 1987. In 1995 he moved to the Law School of Columbia University in New York.

It owes its far beyond the Anglo-American scientific community out -reaching scientific reputation of the co-authored with Michael J. Piore publication The Second Industrial Divide ( 1984), which a year later as a German edition under the title The end of mass production appeared. With the thesis of " requalification of work" under the production conditions of " flexible specialization " inspired the book's scientific discussion on the post-Fordism as a new capitalist model of production.

In 1982 he was MacArthur Fellow.

Publications (selection )

  • Gernot Müller / Ulrich Rödel / Charles Sabel / Frank silence / Winfried Vogt: Economic crisis tendencies in contemporary capitalism. Campus Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1978.
  • Charles F. Sabel: Work and Politics: The Division of Labor in Industry. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1982. Dt. Translation: work and politics. Publishing House of the Austrian State Printing House, Vienna 1986.
  • Michael J. Piore / Charles F. Sabel: The Second Industrial Divide: Possibilities for Prosperity. Basic Books, New York 1984. Dt. Translation: The end of mass production. Study on the requalification of labor and the return of the economy in society. Wagenbach, Berlin 1985.

Pictures of Charles Sabel
