Charles-Victor Prévot, vicomte d'Arlincourt

Charles Victor Prévôt, Vicomte d' Arlincourt ( born September 28, 1789 at Versailles castle Mérantris; † January 22, 1856 in Paris) was a French writer.

Victor d' Arlincourt was first a follower of Napoleon I., but hung after 1814 the Bourbons.

As a writer, he first appeared with an epic Charlemagne ou la Caroldide whose first part he dedicated to Napoleon, but which he accomplished for the glory of the Restoration (1818, 2 volumes). Of his novels is the best Le Solitaire (1821, German: The mountain people or crime, penance and love), which has often been applied and translated many times.

His novels written after 1830 polemic against the bourgeois monarchy. In 1848, he wrote passionate legitimist pamphlets, of which Dieu le vent underwent 64 editions. On stage, he was unsuccessful.
