Château de Ravel

The Ravel Castle (French Château de Ravel ) is in the municipality of Ravel, in Auvergnat Puy-de -Dôme. It goes back to a medieval castle from the 12th century. In the 18th century it was enlarged, without the Gothic core to destroy. In addition, it has been supplemented by gardens of André Le Nôtre. It served as the backdrop for the film The Les Choristes.


The construction of the castle was begun in 1171 by Bernard de Revel. In 1283 Chatard de Ravel sold the plant to King Philip III. of France. The castle was passed in 1294 by Philip the Fair to Pierre Flote, the Chancellor of France, as a reward for his services. The property was transferred by inheritance to André de Chauvigny in 1431. His daughter Catherine in 1460 brought it in marriage to Charles d' Amboise.

After marriageable and probate -related change in ownership, the castle came in 1647 in the possession of Jean IV d' Estaing. In 1806 it was sold to Charles de Riberolles de Beaucène and is still owned by his descendants. It was taken at the request of André de Riberolles on May 20, 1958 in the list of monuments historiques of the French Ministry of Culture.
