Château du Nouveau-Windstein


Residential tower of the Upper Castle

The castle ruins Neuwindstein (French: Château du Nouveau - Windstein ) is a ruined castle on a rocky mountain west of the municipality in the canton of Windstein Niederbronn- les- Bains in the department of Bas- Rhin.


It was formerly assumed, the castle was after the destruction of the castle Altwindstein after 1332, probably in 1339, was built by William of Windstein as a fief of the bishops of Speyer. However, this demand for construction straightening probably refers to the Nordanlage of Altwindstein. The late Romanesque and early Gothic design corpus of Neuwindstein proves, however, that the castle must have been already in the first half of the 13th century.

In the 14th and 15th centuries it was the common property of the lords of Windstein with other families, such as the Lords of Lichtenberg, the Counts of Leiningen, the Palatinate and the corner Brechten of Durkheim. With Hans Oster Tags Windstein died in 1480, the Lords of Windstein from.

Since the second half of the 17th century, the castle was in sole possession of the corner Brechten of Durkheim and in 1676 after an unsuccessful defense by the Palatine Colonel Wolf Friedrich von Durkheim destroyed by the French. A reconstruction was omitted.


Available are still extensive ruins, the ( no longer accessible ) residential tower of the upper castle with shield wall, remains of buildings of the lower castle and a barbican.

Unlike many other rock castles only a few parts of the castle are carved out of the sandstone rock out in this Appendix. The castle rock is not as powerful as that of a typical rock castle. There are for or get mighty walls of rough stone.
