Chayei Sarah

Chaje Sara (Hebrew חַיֵּי שָׂרָה, "Life of Sarah " ) refers to a reading portion ( Parasha or Sidra ) of the Torah, and includes the text gene / Bereshit 23.1 to 25.18.

It is the Sidra of the 4th Sabbath in the month Marche swan.


  • After Sarah's death at the age of 127 years, Abraham purchases from Ephron Hetiterfürsten for 400 pieces of silver, the location near Hebron double cave of Machpelah as Erbbegräbnisstätte. Therefore, the additional name of Hebron writes: Kiryat Arba, " city of four ", because of the four couples buried there: Adam and Eve, Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, Jacob and Leah.
  • Abraham instructed his servant to bring a woman from his home and family for Isaac.
  • The servant asks God for a sign that he is making the right choice.
  • Rebekah, daughter of Bethuel, met this character.
  • Rebekah's brother Laban and Bethuel declare their agreement that they want to give to the servant, as certain Rebekah for Isaac woman, if also Rebekah would agree.
  • Rebekah Isaac's wife refers to as the tent of Sara.
  • Abraham has six sons from a marriage with Keturah.
  • Abraham dies at age 175 years and is buried by Isaac and Ishmael in the Cave of Machpelah.
  • List of descendants of Ishmael who dies with 137 years


The associated Haftarah is I Kings 1.1 to 31.

Pictures of Chayei Sarah
