
Checkinstall is a command line program for Linux operating systems for creating Slackware TGZ, RPM or DEB packages from a source package of programs. It executes make install and created a package that can be installed clean with the distribution 's package manager and later uninstalled afterwards. Checkinstall is under the GPL2.

Use of checkinstall

After the code is compiled using the make (where the makefile is usually created by a configure script in the root directory in the source package), performs the checkinstall make install command and registers the paths of installed files. An RPM or DEB package is then created from this, which can then be installed using the distribution 's package manager.

In most cases, therefore, the following commands are executed in the source code directory:

. / configure make checkinstall # (as root) After specifying the optional package information, such as author and description I obtain the list in which you will find the complete RPM or DEB package.

By using checkinstall following advantages over an installation of hand arise with make install:

  • Clean installation and uninstallation of programs
  • No overwriting existing files
  • About Does not the package manager of your distribution


  • Linux software
  • Installation software
  • Free installation software