Cheese bun

Pão de queijo ( cheese bread port. ) is typical dish of the Brazilian states of Minas Gerais and Goiás. The origin of the recipe is not clear, but it is assumed that it has existed since the 18th century. His great popularity in Brazil, however it gained from the year 1950.

Pão de queijo When it is basically a choux from polvilho ( starch, which is a byproduct in the production of manioc flour, tapioca see also ).

For the preparation of a variety of ingredients and cheeses may be used. Some variants use sweet manioc, other unsweetened and still others a mixture of both.



Pão de Queijo is found in Brazil in every bakery. As every baker has his own recipe, the result is different in each bakery. Pão de Queijo addition can be frozen or purchased on cake mix. In this form it is also exported from Brazil to the world. However, many people do not like this variant and prepare the pastry prefer to home.
