
The Chemist newspaper ( Chem - Ztg. ) Was an academic journal of chemistry. The magazine was founded in 1877 by Georg Krause ( 1849-1927 ) and published. In 1959 the journal Chemical apparatus was fused to the chemist newspaper, then a separate section "Chemical Equipment " under the editorship of H. Vollbrecht was continued. From the early seventies, in addition to scientific articles and current headings such as " From the day ", " chemical exchange" as well as themes from the plant engineering, process engineering, measuring and control technology as well as the analytical and laboratory equipment were seized. After the seizure of power by the National Socialists, the chief editor Walter Roth (1873-1950) summarily dismissed, the editor in chief took over Hermann Staudinger. 1945 had to cease publication chemists newspaper. In 1949, R. Hanslian in West Berlin, the German chemist magazine, which a year later with the short of Eugen Müller previously by Eugen Müller ( 1905-1976 ) journal merged with the traditional title Chemist newspaper. Editor in chief was serious tree (up to 1969), it is followed until 1992 Heinz Möllinger. 1951, the chemist newspaper was taken over by Dr. Alfred Hüthig Verlag ( Heidelberg). In 1992, the merger took place with the Journal of practical chemistry ( founded in 1834 ), which in the journal Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis rose in 2001, & Co. KGaA, Weinheim appears in WILEY -VCH Verlag GmbH,.

Pictures of Chemiker-Zeitung
