Chengziya Archaeological Site

The Chengziya - site (城子 崖 遗址, Chengziya yízhǐ ), also called Chengziyai, is the first archaeological site of the Neolithic Longshan Culture, strictly speaking, the Longshan culture of Shandong in China. It is located in the large village Longshan (龙山镇) in Zhangqiu City, Shandong Province. The site was discovered in 1928 and excavated from 1930 to 1931. A museum 36.734722222222117.35638888889 shows different findings.

The Chengziya - site ( Chengziya Yizhi ) is since 1961 on the list of monuments of the People's Republic of China ( 1-140 ).

Pictures of Chengziya Archaeological Site
