
A checkerboard is a board game of chess and its variants in lady and some other games.

Classification of the chessboard

The chessboard is square and turn dark in alternately 32 and 32 bright, square boxes divided on which are placed and moved the figures. The color is not fixed, usually are dark brown to black or white to light brown or ivory-colored fields colors - depending on material and workmanship (see also: checkerboard pattern ).

The two opponents sit across the board. The 64 fields arrange themselves to each 8 horizontal rows and 8 vertical lines, so the lines are aimed at the opponent. The rows are identified in the chess notation with numbers, the lines with letters. The notation for lady is different because here are the pawns only on the black squares.

The board is placed at play, that - seen from the player - to the right is a bright field in the first row.

Geometry of the chessboard

Shape and arrangement of the chess board in square boxes can justify a specific geometry of the chessboard. This can be illustrated by the example of King trains. May Dragging along a diagonal of the king, such as the famous Réti maneuver illustrates approaching two objectives simultaneously.


The chessboard is the base on which the chessmen, checkers, etc. are built

Chess boards can be made ​​of various materials, usually made of wood, rare stone, marble or glass. The latter are primarily intended as a decorative ornament and to use for practical use in tournament chess hardly. In chess clubs or on larger chess tournaments thinner, foldable chess boards made ​​of cardboard are often used with a plastic cover. They are space -saving and cost-effective. The same purpose is to fulfill chess Plan of plastic (similar to writing documents on desks ).

Spreads are also hinged boxed sets, inside which are the figures. Cartridges in a smaller version, usually made of wood or plastic are also referred to as a travel chess boards. For a better and more stable state of the figures they are often designed as plug-in chess or magnetic chess sets. These are available also in a ( covered ) vertical variant, as stationary design in gardens and parks, which often can be played by two sides here.

In health and holiday resorts or in other public parks, there are often " chess " of square paving slabs, can be played on those with large wooden or plastic figures.

Tournament chess

The World Chess Federation FIDE recommends in its statutes, the material and the size of chess boards. Chess boards should be made of wood, plastic, cardboard or cloth; In principle, chess boards, for example, also allows of stone. The recommended size of the chess fields 5 to 6.5 cm are estimated. In tournament games, the chess board is aligned so that the lower right field is white in front of the players.

The size of the figures used should be determined and vice versa according to the chessboard. Thus, the edge length of a field should be twice as large as the root diameter of a farmer. As a rule of thumb, that the king should have a height of 8.5 up to 10.5 cm.

On most tournament boards are on the edges of letters and numbers series (a- h or 1-8) printed on it. With this coordinate system, the individual fields can be clearly identified; this is used for writing down chess games.

Material of the chess Bundesliga

The Chess League, the top division of the German Chess Federation, puts special demands on the game material.

The chess boards shall be of wood here; the field size has been 5.8 cm. The color of the fields must be dark brown or black or beige or white. The chess pieces have to have Staunton - shape, with the king size should be 9.5 cm.

Blind chess

Special boards are used in blindfold chess. There, the dark areas are higher than the bright and can be palpated. The figures are put to better fit into the board, the black figures are provided to distinguish at the top with a small metal beads.

Special Tournaments

A special chess tournament takes place every year in Dresden, the "Porcelain Cup". In the finals of the discharged KO Tournament mode, the two finalists will play their games with figures and board of Dresden porcelain.


A special chessboard, which is not used to play chess, but for demonstration and analysis of chess games, is the demonstration board called.

The black and white checkerboard is also the symbol of the genre Ska.
