
Chichicastenango on the map of Guatemala

Chichicastenango Chichicastenango, or Santo Tomas is a town in the highlands of Guatemala to about 2000 m altitude in the department of El Quiché.


According to the last census Chichicastenango has 107 193 inhabitants. 95 % of the population identified themselves as members of the indigenous Maya people of the Quiché, 5% as Ladinos.


The Spanish name comes from the Nahuatl Chichicastenango TLAXCALAN the auxiliary troops of the Spanish conquerors, which the city Tzitzicaztenanco, "City of nettles " called. His name in the Quiché language was Chaviar.


Chichicastenango was an important religious and political center in the ancient kingdom of Quiché. After the conquest by the Spanish conquistador Pedro de Alvarado in 1524, the Spaniards destroyed the ancient Mayan temples and buildings on its pedestal the church of Santo Tomás (Saint Thomas ). To date, the site of the Temple, however, still used by Mayan shamans who burn incense and candles on it and sometimes animal sacrifice ( chickens) offer. The 18 steps of the still coming from the ancient Mayan temple stairs correspond to the months of the Mayan calendar.

In Chichicastenango found 1702 Father Francisco Ximénez the manuscript of the book Mayan Popol Vuh, from which he made a copy and translation into Spanish.


Taking place every Thursday and Sunday market on the stairs of the church of Santo Tomás in Chichicastenango, the largest in Central America, pulls alongside dealers and buyers from Guatemala - indigenous K'iche ' as well as Mam, Ixil, Cakchiquel and others - very many tourists.

In the near Chichicastenango is an old stone statue ( Pascual Abaj ), which are offered to this day flowers, candles, incense and rum. Also, this idol is now a tourist attraction.


" The hardest word does not mean Popocatépetl as the mountain in Mexico and not like the place Chichicastenango in Guatemala and not like the city of Ouagadougou in Africa. The hardest word to say for many: "Thank you" ".

Pictures of Chichicastenango
