The Child Language Data Exchange System ( CHILDES ) is an online accessible database system, the content, transcripts and analysis tools for the study of perturbed and unperturbed language acquisition of children maintains and provides. The headquarters is at the Faculty of Psychology at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, USA, side seats including mirror sites there are in Antwerp, Belgium and Japanese Chukyo. CHILDES is part of the Talk banking system, the general records of communication between people but also provides animals. All content is available under the GNU General Public License and is free of charge available on the web.


CHILDES provides a comprehensive set of tools for exploring conversational interactions. The database includes transcripts and audio and video files of interviews of children with each other or stored with their carers. The calls are stored in a special format, the CHAT format. For the processing and analysis of these linguistically encoded files, the program is CLAN available. The talks are also available as XML files.


Historical precursors of CHILDES were works such as the 1900-1918 by the psychologist - couple William and Clara Stern, which the development of their own adolescent children three largely bias - free meticulously recorded (→ diary method ). The transcripts of this scientific pioneer work have long been part of the CHILDES database.
