Chilean Communist Party (Proletarian Action)

The Partido Comunista Chileno ( Acción Proletaria ) (PC (AP ), German: Chilean Communist Party ( Proletarian Action ) ) is a communist party in Chile. Its program is based on the models of the Soviet Union under Stalin and Albania under the leadership of Enver Hoxha. It is committed to the revolutionary overthrow of imperialism, coupled with the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat and aims to communism.

In 1979 the party was founded as a splinter group of the Partido Comunista Revolucionario.

The Central Committee of the party is led by Eduardo Artés.

There appear Publications of the PC ( AP) under the name " Acción Proletaria " ( German: " Proletarian Action "; magazine) and " Remolino Popular " ( German: "Flow of the people"; newspaper ).

At the national level, the organization was a member of the Alliance Juntos PODEMOS before 2002, the Frente " Unidos Venceremos " joined. In 1984 she joined the Coordinadora de Organizaciones Revolucionarias.

The PC ( AP) is a member of the International Conference of Marxist - Leninist Parties and Organizations ( Unity and struggle ) and founding member of the International Coordination of Revolutionary Parties and Organizations.
