Chill filtering

Kaltfiltrierung (English chill filtering ) denotes the filtration of spirits, such as whiskey, brandies, etc. after barrel maturation. The finished product will not cloud one, even with the addition of water or temperature changes.

The whiskey is cooled to filter to temperatures around the freezing point ( 0 ° C blends around -4 ° C, single malt ). This turbidity such as esters, proteins and fatty acids fall out and be so along with other suspended solids (eg, fine wood chips of the barrel ) remove by a fine adsorption.

The Kaltfiltrierung is mainly a cosmetic measure. Since the Kaltfiltrierung also flavor carriers such as esters, fatty acids and proteins to be removed, this leads to a change in taste. To avoid this " falsification ", dispense some distilleries on the Kaltfiltrierung and characterize their whiskey as Unchillfiltered or Non Chill Filtered. Turbidity can then when diluted to a drinking strength of about 40% arise, however, be avoided by the whiskey is diluted to only about 46 %.
