
As Chin (Latin mentum) is called the lower front of the face in the area of the lower jaw, which is supported by the mental protuberance and the mutual lateral tubercles ( tubercles mentalia ) of the mandible. Above are the chin muscle ( mentalis muscle ), laterally therefrom the depressors of the lower lip ( depressor labii inferioris ) and above the lower portion of the oral sphincter (musculus orbicularis oris). These muscles include the facial muscles and are innervated by the facial nerve. The sensory innervation is done by the mental nerve, a branch of the inferior alveolar nerve. The blood supply ensures the ramus mentalis of the inferior alveolar artery and vein. Below the chin are the Mm between the front bellies. digastrici the chin lymph nodes ( lymph submental ). The visible areas lateral to the chin are also referred to as jaws.

The projecting chin is an acquisition of recent man and probably serves as a reinforcement of the lower jaw at the interface of the two jaw halves. This reinforcement is, however, as opposed to early man and those animals, which also require a stronger bond due to such a freely movable jaw formed in modern humans outwardly instead of inwardly, to allow more freedom of movement of the tongue. The uniqueness of the chin is so well is directly related to the uniqueness of the language ability of modern man.
