Chironomus plumosus

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Mosquito larvae are a development stage of the insect suborder of the mosquitoes of the order Diptera ( Diptera ).

The larvae of some families have very different ways of life: many live in moist areas near the ground, others on plants, the best-known and most striking is certainly the aquatic life. Similarly, the diet is very different. Many species overwinter in the larval stage.

The body is generally built worm- shaped and has, in contrast to the fly larvae ( maggots ), in general, a head capsule. Foot-like appendages have only ground-dwelling forms, legs missing. The wasserbewohnenden species are air over a tuft of hair on the abdomen end at which the animal is suspended by the adhesion force of the water below the surface.

Mosquito larvae as fish food

Aquatic mosquito larvae used in the ornamental fish farming as live food. Mosquito larvae obtained in Aquaristikfachgeschäft frozen food, freeze-dried food and live food. Frozen food should be thawed enough fish and rinsed with water after thawing. For this example, a Artemia or a meshed landing net is recommended.

In the hunting and mosquito larvae are offered under three collective headings:

  • White mosquito larvae ( larvae of mosquitoes tuft ) should be alive fed to fish with at least 3 cm in length, otherwise there is a danger that they will lay hands on a fish.
  • Red mosquito larvae ( larvae of midges ) are highly valued fish. However, they can cause allergies in contact with humans. Her red blood pigment similar to hemoglobin in human blood.
  • Black fly larvae ( larvae of mosquitoes ) are loved by all kinds of fish. However, they contain lots of vitamins and fish just protein.

When feeding fish with live food is a risk of disease transmission.


As the climate warms penetrate more and more mosquito species into areas where they previously did not occur. To prevent mosquito infestations in summer, helps only the timely alleviation. In aquatic larvae help fish such as sticklebacks, goldfish or carp, which are employed in the infested pond. As a chemical agent used to oily liquids or petroleum have been used, but due to the environmental impact should not be used. The mosquito larvae can not reach the surface and suffocate by the oil film. Recently it has been discovered that oil of cinnamon and the derivatives thereof, especially cinnamic aldehyde is a strong poison mosquito larvae. There is also a biological agent that kills the mosquito larvae by the Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis. Since each still offers so little puddle for the larvae, it also helps to empty the water tank regularly and pour the floating therein mosquito larvae. Puddles and pot - Squat can do with sand uninhabitable for mosquito breeding.

Greenish larva of the mosquito Anopheles

Midge larva

  • Entomology
  • Larva
  • Diet (Aquarium)